All FBCTI Full Courses Come With Certification
Restorative Therapist Counselor
• Self-Paced
Crisis Chaplain
• Self-Paced
Chemical Dependency Counselor Certification Course
Coming Soon
Anger Management Specialist Certification Course
Coming Soon
Restorative Therapist Counselor Modules
Modules are in the main course and we have made them individually available to you. This allows you to break out certain topics that may be relevant to you only. If it is not a full-blown certification that you are seeking and merely need a refresher or new insight these modules are perfect for you to get educated in these certain areas of counseling.
Foundational Principles for Faith Based Counselors
Crisis Counseling
Anger Management
Chemical Dependency
Games People Play
Counseling Inmates and their Families
Marriage and Family
Establishing/Beginning a Counseling Center
Crisis Chaplaincy Care Modules
Modules are in the main course and we have made them individually available to you. This allows you to break out certain topics that may be relevant to you only. If it is not a full-blown certification that you are seeking and merely need a refresher or new insight these modules are perfect for you to get educated in these certain areas of counseling.
The Roots of Spiritual Care - Trichotomy
Definition of Crisis
Introduction to Crisis Chaplaincy
Ministry of Presence
Learning to Listen
Lessons from Ground Zero
Constructive Value of Trial
Crisis Chaplaincy Training Course Teaches
A Chaplain is a front line minister. He or she deals with the hands on Spiritual support of all the points of crisis intervention. A Chaplain needs to be trained in how to minister in the midst of a critical incident. The Chaplain brings the Spiritual component into crisis intervention. Training for the Ministry of Presence is in the forefront of preparing for Chaplaincy and not everyone can be in the middle of a terrible event and not know how to work with the victims involved at the time of the event. There are things you do and do not do as a Chaplain and the person working in ministry certainly needs to be educated and credentialed to know what to do. The Chaplain can go where other Ministers and Caregivers cannot go. The Chaplain can go beyond the yellow ribbon and work with victims and first responders alike. This is why the Spiritual Link in crisis intervention is missing. There are not many experienced and trained Chaplains available. Your community desperately needs you.
Restorative Therapy Course Teaches
Looking To Start Your Own Counseling Practice Or Just Want to Know How To Help Others Who Are Hurting.
A counselor works on the backside of a crisis. The backside is what happens to a person who has been traumatized and the need for helping victims to be able to work through the crisis and why it happened is the counselors job. Counselors help people who hurt for a variety of problems that occur from just living life. Counselors have a much more settled base than Chaplains. They are trained to get behind the eyes of their clients to find the core or the root cause of the problems their clients are dealing with. Counselors need to be trained in a much broader scope of life controlling issues in order to be able to work with the people affected that they will be helping. The established treatment industry mainly deals with the dichotomy of the hurting person. Dichotomy simply means the body and soul. Most often the trichotomy is left out. The Spiritual component is the missing link that the Faith Based approach helps connect.
Basic Certification Course Includes All Of The Following Components
Foundational Principles for Faith-Based Counseling
The Counseling Model of Restorative Therapy™/ How Jesus Related to People/Ten Actions for Effective Counseling/ The Difference Between Roots and Fruits/ Listening on the Inner Level/ The Principle of Trichotomy
Counseling in the Crisis
Overview of Critical Incident Stress Management-Debriefing/ Crisis Intervention/ Lessons Learned from Ground Zero/ Understanding the Suicide Mentality/ Counseling the Victims of Crime/ Victomology 101/ Traumatology/ What to Do and Not To Do When Counseling Victims
Chemical Dependency
Counseling in an Addicted Society/ Steps To Effective Prevention/ Signs and Symptoms of Drug Abuse/ Faith-Based Recovery Issues/ The Mechanics of Recovery/ Drug Education 101/ Relapse Dynamics
The Games People Play
Blame Game/ Switching Focus Game/ Superman Game/ Poor Me Game/ Intimidation Game/ Beating Around the Bush Game/I Am Nothing Game/ I’m Bad Game/ King Baby Gamé/ Silent Lie Game/ How The Games Interlock/ How to Effectively Recognize and Counseling Game Players
Anger Management
Conquering / The Face of Anger/ What is Anger/ Physiological Effects of Anger/ Neuron Communication/ How Does Anger Work/ When is Anger a Problem/ Can Anger be Controlled/ Brain Chemistry and Learned Behavior/ Brain Stapling
Five Basic Steps for Counseling Inmates and Their Families
Introduce Them to the Saving Knowledge of Christ/Invest Time Helping Them to Meet Their Physical and Emotional Needs/ Inform Their Parents About Biblical Family Principles/Instruct Them How to Learn From Current Trials/ Impart Encouragement At Every Opportunity/Six Principles of Understanding the Inmate Mentality
Establishing a Faith Based Counseling Center
The Difference Between a ‘Faith Based’ and Secular Center/What Makes a Professional Atmosphere/Setting Up Crisis Referral System/ The Importance of Confidentiality/Marketing Your Minitry/The Necessity of Administrative Housekeeping/The Importance of Personal Growth
Marriage and Family Counseling
A Marriage for All Seasons©/ Avoid Conformity/ Accent Communication/ Appreciate Oneness/ Arrest Infiltrators/ Amplify Prayer/ Abide Above/ Blended Family Issues/ Family Secrets
Primary Functions of the Faith Based Counselor
The Screening Process/ The Intake Procedure/ The Orientation Period/ The Assessment Procedure/ The Recovery or Treatment Plan/ The Counseling Period/ The Case Management Process/ The Crisis Potential/ The Client Education Provision/ The Referral Procedure/ The Record Keeping Process/ The Networking Process/ Ethical Standards
Proper Nutrition as it Relates to Stress and Counseling
Wellness Programs/ The Spark Study/ Stress Management Related to Health and Nutrition/ Tips for Controlling and Reducing Stress/ Coping With Everyday Problems/ Treating the Cause and Not the Symptom/ Nutritional Deficiencies and How They Effect the Behavior/ The Silent Killer/
❖ Dr Haynes with China Heads of National Psychology and people in Hong Kong are preparing for Crisis Chaplaincy Care Training Course in Hong Kong.
❖ Over 21,000 people have been through FBCTI’s certification courses since its founding in 1996.
❖ We have had students in 32 states and 14 foreign countries, including China.