Churches Creating Crisis Teams To Be Prepared
The Pastor will personally select 7 or more members of your congregation whom they believe can work in various critical incidents once they are trained and certified. The Church Crisis Team will minister to whatever kind of crisis the victims face. And again, please realize that there are many kinds of crisis. For example, divorce; chemical dependency; domestic violence; illness; incarceration; victims of crime, on and on. The Crisis Teams will be Trained and Certified, along with the leading Church Staff Member, to help the hurting crisis victims.
The Vision:
Being able to connect crisis victims and families to a team that the
church can trust is trained and certified to follow-up in a crisis
without doing more harm than good and will provide great comfort to
those who are hurting. The team will also learn how to help emergency
service personnel once they have done their jobs and leave the scene!
This program
Connects the Church Crisis Teams with community
businesses and governments the city can trust are trained and certified
to work in a crisis without doing more harm than good. The Teams main ministry will be to provide counseling to
the victims who are hurting.
The Crisis Teams will also learn how to help the emergency service
personnel and their families. Numerous first responder Chiefs have
endorsed this program and say that it is a much-needed ministry for
the church to introduce. This is a definite connection from the
Pulpit to the Pew, to the People in the community.