Coming Soon!

Drug abuse in America continues to be the number one concern of parents. With escalating usage reported among all age groups of children in cities large and small…it should be. Our kids are under siege and need protection and direction! But a parent without information and awareness is ill equipped to deal with these issues. The need for parental education and involvement in the prevention of drug abuse and other dangerous behaviors is critical. While local schools and law enforcement have primarily been held responsible for transferring prevention information to our children, who is responsible for parent education?


Holly Haynes, a top International Designer, Home Builder and Restorative Therapist who has created an online empire with her AGE ME GRACEFULLY wellness & wine stores is now working along side her father Dr. Michael K. Haynes Founder & CEO of America's Premier Faith Based Counselor Certification School, to bring you in depth courses to the privacy of your own home and first time ever, available online. These courses teach about very relevant things we deal with daily in our society and if you have ever dreamed of being able to help people that are truly hurting and in pain in, these courses are a wealth of information and first hand knowledge of years of experience behind them. Dr. Haynes spent a year at Ground Zero/911 as a Head Chaplain and his knowledge first hand has helped thousands of people world wide to understand and be able to cope with chaos in our world including police officers, city officials, church official and the general public. We are super excited to make these courses online and available to you. YOU MATTER, THEY MATTER.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll

For groups for 5 or more interested in getting certified please mail us at [email protected] for our bulk discount offers