The Touch Of Two Kings

My sincere appreciation goes to Dr. Michael K. Haynes and his efforts in the writing and production of this book. The title, “The Touch of Two Kings” was also conceived by Dr. Haynes. It tells the story in one line.
There are many people responsible for the events that have taken place in my life and they are alluded to in this book. Special attention must be drawn to family that is in part responsible for what has transpired since Elvis’ death and my being converted to Christ. 
It is also fitting and appropriate that at this time I thank my mother, Dee Presley for laying a Biblical foundation and my bothers Bill and Dave for their untiring love and support. 
To all who read this book, I hope you will enjoy the sequence of events that have happened in my life. I also hope that it may answer some of your questions and give and new dimension to your attitude about the life of Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll. But most important, your attitude toward Jesus Christ, The Eternal King of Kings
Rick Stanley

Dear Reader,
In 1982, when I was pastoring a church in East Texas, I wrote a book entitled, “The god of Rock, A Christian Perspective of Rock Music.” It became extremely successful very fast and I resigned the church and started doing seminars on the effect of the rock music industry in very large arenas. Over a million people saw “The god of Rock” seminar from 1982 through 1986 when I stopped traveling. Rick and I became friends during that time and he contracted me to write his book saying he had the story but he knew I was a writer and he wasn’t. We met once a week for a little over a year while he was in seminary. I would tape his words and try to put it together until the next meeting. I even went to Graceland to do some research about his life there so that I could get a better grip on his incredible time. I was very thankful to the Lord to be able to name the book and write his story with the help of the King of Kings. Rick was an awesome personality and had an amazing ministry. He was a close and dear friend and I hope you are blessed by “The Touch of Two Kings.”
Dr. Michael K. Haynes

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