The Healing Power Of Unconditional Love

There has never been a book, or any other expression, that more vividly illustrates the concept of love with No Strings Attached than this one written by Dr. Michael K. Haynes and Dr. Gary Gosney. Dr. Haynes learned about the love of dogs working with the rescue, therapy, and cadaver dogs at Ground Zero, 9/11, in New York City. Dr. Gosney has been voted one of the top Veterinarians in the State of Texas and was a war dog vet in Vietnam. His knowledge of these Pet Angels is beyond extensive. This incredible book tells you how to truly see the healing power of unconditional love through the paws of the precious pets we own and know. They are truly the only way to really experience love with no strings attached. Will Rogers famously said, "If dogs aren't in heaven, I want to go where they went!" The pages of 'No Strings' teach us how to never take for granted our Pet Angel's unconditional love and how to love them more deeply in return.

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